Nov 30, 2010

ima, nanji desu ka? ~Conv. L7~


If you forget a watch, you can always ask someone,

" Sumimasen, ima nan-ji desu ka? "
-Excuse me, what time is it now? -

ima : now
nan-ji: what time

You just add "ji" after numbers 1-12 for o'clock.

1:00  ichi-ji
2:00 ni-ji  , etc.

Pls remember, 4, 7, 9 o'clock is

yo-ji,  shichi-ji, and ku-ji.

gozen: am
gogo: pm    and we say this gozen or gogo before the time.

Thus, 4pm is gogo yoji.   9am is gozen kuji.

Yasashii desu ne. :)

Nov 29, 2010

Japanese Keitai etiquette

We call it "manner mode" for silent mode on Keitai -mobile phone- in Japanese.

Japanese are very conscious about if we are not disturbing other people. Thus, in the train, we're not supposed to talk on mobile phone. This is also due to a medical purpose that the electronic wave from mobile phone might affect a heart pacer.

Since we cannot talk on the phone in the train, writing keitai-mail (email) is very popular. It's different from sms as they don't use tel. no.  I noticed 5 out of 6 seated passengers in front of me were writing something on their keitai. We are so obsessed with kaitai..

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Nov 28, 2010

そろそろ。。(soro soro...)

Hi Minsasan, ogenki desu ka?

Sorry for haven't update for a while.

Today I'd like to introduce very useful phrase
"Soro soro..."
If you need to wrap up the meeting and leave, Japanese say "soro soro..." with hesitating intonation.

Actually you don't need to say exact reason for you to leave, but just say "soro soro.." then other party will understand that you need to go.

Dewa,  sorosoro...(shitureee shimasu)

(Well, I gotta go now..)

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Nov 27, 2010

女性専用車両 ~women's only train car~

During the peak hour in weekdays (morning time), you'll find this "women's only train car".

Is this very unique in Japan?
Taiwan introduced this few years back but took it back. They said it's a reverse discrimination towards men.
In Japan, "chikan" -pervert- is a serious social problem and end up in making this kind of procedure. Oh.. such a shame.

Nov 26, 2010

Asking telephone numbers ~Conv. L6~

Minasan konbanwa! (now 1am here..)

Today's lesson is very useful, guys!

Asking telephone number. :)

"denwa bangoo wa nan-ban desu ka?"

denwa = telephone

bangoo = number

nan-ban = what number

so, the literal translation is

What number is your telephone number?

sounds funny? But that's how we ask. :)

81-6453-3900 desu.

"hachi ichi no roku yon go san no san kyuu zero zero desu."

so we say the number one by one.

and "-" connecting between country code or regional code, say "no"

Yasashii desho? (easy isn't it?)

Dewa, minasan no denwa bangoo wa nan ban desu ka?

For counting number and telephone number, you can learn from my
Free Japanese lesson:

Jaa mata!


Nov 22, 2010

Why Japanese apologize so often?

“Mooshiwake gozaimasen”
I’l like to introduce an interesting aspect of Japanese speech.
Japanese often start their ceremony greeting with apology.
Displaying of modesty is considered a sign of virtue, and thus opening conversation with apology words prepare the amicable atmosphere and promote interaction. Saying “sumimasen” or “mooshiwake arimasen” are translated as “I’m sorry”.
However, it’s not admitting their fault. It’s a process of getting to the main discussion topic.
Interesting isn’t it?
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Nov 21, 2010

Counting numbers 2 ~Conv. L5~

Minasan konnichiwa!
So you’ve learnt counting no. 1-10.
Next is 11-100.
Don’t worry, it’s quite easy.
After 10 (jyuu),
11: jyuu-ichi
12: jyuu-ni
13: jyuu-san
14: jyuu-yon ….
So, basically just repeating 1-9 after “jyuu”.
How about 20, 30, 40…
20: ni-jyuu
30: san-jyuu
40: yon-jyuu….
Easy right?
Well then how about 33?
san-jyuu san.
nana-jyuu ichi.
Wow! so systematic. :)
Hyaku ichi.
Yasashii desu ne! (easy, isn’t it?)
Jaa mata!
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Nov 20, 2010

Counting numbers ~Conv. L4~

Minasan ,ohayoo gozaimasu!
ogenki desu ka?       (minasan = everyone)
Have you memorized 1,2,3.. ichi, ni, san..?
Tokorode, (by the way), do you know how to say 1st, 2nd, 3rd.. ?
Yasashii desu! (it’s easy!)
Converting cardinal numbers to ordinal numbers, just add ~ ban.
ichi-ban, ni-ban, san-ban… like that.
Yasashii desu ne!
(~ ne at the end of a sentence adds nuance of confirmation. like “~isn’t it?”
Dewa mat20
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Nov 19, 2010

Ohayoo! -Conv L3- counting numbers

Minasan, ohayoo gozaimasu!
Ogenki desu ka?
I said “ohayoo!” this is casual greeting in the morning to friends.
When you greet to your senior, please say “ohayoo gozaimasu” :)
Dewa, kyoo no lesson desu.
counting no. 0-10
0:  zero or rei
  1. ichi
  2. ni
  3. san
  4. yon / shi
  5. go
  6. roku
  7. nana / shichi
  8. hachi
  9. kyuu / ku
  10. jyuu
muzukashii? (difficult?)
yasashii? (easy?)
jaa mata ashita!
Check this out! -> 

Nov 18, 2010

Ogenki desu ka? ~Conv. L2~

Minasan konnichiwa!
Kyoo wa L2 desu. (Today is Lesson2)
Greeting part 2
  1. Ogenki desu ka? (How are you?)
  2. Hai, genki desu. (Yes, I’m fine. Reply from above question)
  3. ~ san wa? (how about you, Mr/Ms ~ . Please call them using their name)
  4. Dewa mata (see you again”)
  5. Jaa mata (see you again (casual))
Additional New Vocab
  1. Hai (Yes)
  2. Iie (No)
  3. kyoo (today)
Jaa mata!!
Probably the best way to learn Japanese! -> 

Nov 17, 2010

Konnichiwa! ~Conv. L1~

Konnichiwa, minasan. (Hello, everyone!)
Kyoo no lesson wa “aisatsu“-greeting desu.
Today’s lesson is greeting.
Ja, hajime mashoo! (let’s get started!)
  1. - Ohayoo gozaimasu.    Good morning.
  2. - Konnichiwa.   Good afternoon.
  3. - Konbanwa.    Good evening.
  4. - Jaa mata! See you again!
Jaa mata, minasan!
Let's Learn Japanese! -> 

Nov 12, 2010


Hi!  Welcome to the blog: LearnJapanese123!

Minasan, hajimemashite! (Hello everyone, (for the first time))
My name is Kazue.  I'm a native Japanese and I've been teaching Japanese past 10yrs at various places.

I'd like to share the information about learning Japanese with you!

Please enjoy my blog :)
Your comments are always welcome!

PS: Please check the online learning Japanese course! ->